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Document And Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Parentheticals)
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity (Parentheticals)
Notes to Financial Statements
Note 1 - Organization and Nature of Operations
Note 2 - Variable Interest Entities
Note 3 - Liquidity and Capital Resource and Going Concern Evaluation
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
Note 5 - Accounts Receivable, Net
Note 6 - Prepayments and Deposit to Suppliers
Note 7 - Due from Related Parties, Net
Note 8 - Other Current Assets, Net
Note 9 - Long-term Investments
Note 10 - Property and Equipment, Net
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net
Note 12 - Long-term Deposits and Prepayment
Note 13 - Accrued Payroll and Other Accruals
Note 14 - Taxation
Note 15 - Long-term Borrowing From a Related Party
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities
Note 17 - Restricted Net Assets
Note 18 - Employee Defined Contribution Plan
Note 19 - Concentration of Risk
Note 20 - Commitments and Contingencies
Note 21 - Segment Reporting
Note 22 - Loss Per Share
Note 23 - Share-based Compensation Expenses
Note 24 - Subsequent Events
Accounting Policies
Significant Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Note 1 - Organization and Nature of Operations (Tables)
Note 2 - Variable Interest Entities (Tables)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Tables)
Note 5 - Accounts Receivable, Net (Tables)
Note 6 - Prepayments and Deposit to Suppliers (Tables)
Note 7 - Due from Related Parties, Net (Tables)
Note 8 - Other Current Assets, Net (Tables)
Note 9 - Long-term Investments (Tables)
Note 10 - Property and Equipment, Net (Tables)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Tables)
Note 13 - Accrued Payroll and Other Accruals (Tables)
Note 14 - Taxation (Tables)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities (Tables)
Note 19 - Concentration of Risk (Tables)
Note 21 - Segment Reporting (Tables)
Note 22 - Loss Per Share (Tables)
Note 23 - Share-based Compensation Expenses (Tables)
Notes Details
Note 1 - Organization and Nature of Operations - Consolidated Subsidiaries and VIEs (Details)
Note 2 - Variable Interest Entities - Consolidated VIEs' Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Note 2 - Variable Interest Entities - Consolidated VIEs' Financial Performance (Details)
Note 3 - Liquidity and Capital Resource and Going Concern Evaluation (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Details Textual)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Exchange Rates Used to Translate Amounts in RMB Into US$ (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Estimated Useful Lives of Property, Plant, and Equipment (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Summary of Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value on a Recurring and Nonrecurring Basis (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Disaggregation of Revenue (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Contract liabilities (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Maturity of Operating Lease Liabilities (Details)
Note 4 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Operating Lease Expenses and Supplemental Information (Details)
Note 5 - Accounts Receivable, Net (Details Textual)
Note 5 - Accounts Receivable, Net - Accounts Receivable, Net (Details)
Note 6 - Prepayments and Deposit to Suppliers (Details Textual)
Note 6 - Prepayments and Deposit to Suppliers - Prepayments and Deposit to Suppliers (Details)
Note 7 - Due from Related Parties, Net (Details Textual)
Note 7 - Due from Related Parties, Net - Due From Related Parties (Details)
Note 8 - Other Current Assets, Net (Details Textual)
Note 8 - Other Current Assets, Net - Summary of Other Current Assets, Net (Details)
Note 9 - Long-term Investments (Details Textual)
Note 9 - Long-term Investments - Summary of Long-term Investments (Details)
Note 10 - Property and Equipment, Net (Details Textual)
Note 10 - Property and Equipment, Net - Property and Equipment, Net (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net (Details Textual)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net - Intangible Assets, Net (Details)
Note 11 - Intangible Assets, Net - Intangible Assets, Net (Details) (Parentheticals)
Note 13 - Accrued Payroll and Other Accruals - Accrued Payroll and Other Accruals (Details)
Note 14 - Taxation (Details Textual)
Note 14 - Taxation - Taxes Payable (Details)
Note 14 - Taxation - Reconciliation of the Income Tax (Expense) Benefit (Details)
Note 14 - Taxation - Income Tax Expense (Details)
Note 14 - Taxation - Deferred Tax Assets (Details)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities (Details Textual)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities - Allocation of Gross Proceeds from the Financing (Details)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities- Fair Value of Warrants (Details)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities - Warrant Liabilities (Details)
Note 16 - The Financing and Warrant Liabilities - Warrant Activity (Details)
Note 17 - Restricted Net Assets (Details Textual)
Note 18 - Employee Defined Contribution Plan (Details Textual)
Note 19 - Concentration of Risk (Details Textual)
Note 19 - Concentration of Risk - Company's Concentration of Customers and Suppliers (Details)
Note 21 - Segment Reporting (Details Textual)
Note 21 - Segment Reporting - Summary of Segment Reporting Information (Details)
Note 22 - Loss Per Share (Details Textual)
Note 22 - (Loss) Earnings Per Share - Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share (Details)
Note 23 - Share-based Compensation Expenses (Details Textual)
Note 23 - Share-based Compensation Expenses - Share-based Compensation Expenses (Details)
Note 24 - Subsequent Events (Details Textual)
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